FULL of Compassion
Compassion: sympathetic pity & concern for the sufferings and misfortunes of others.
Psalm 86:15
But thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth.
I love scripture that describes the character of God. It reminds me who He is. Especially in the moments that I fail to remember. Let me be clear, it’s not that I have really forgotten who He is. Rather, it’s that my heart isn’t recalling His character and all the times He has shown me that character, in the midst of circumstances that I believe to be insurmountable.
- How He has opened the doors at just the right times
- When the money needed showed up
- Forgiveness extended to my broken and repentant heart
etc. etc. etc.
But let’s admit it, sometimes even the strongest Jesus Followers you know, do not actually ‘see’ God for who He really is all the time. When the storms of life knock us down and slap us around, we forget to keep our eyes focused on Him and His true character. Instead we focus on the circumstance – the obstacle in front of us – the thing we see as bad, wrong, or unfair.
And by taking our eyes off Him, we aren’t able to see Him as He is described in this verse.
- full of compassion
- gracious
- long-suffering
- plenteous in mercy and truth
While we are being honest, let’s go on and confess that we don’t really understand Him as He is described here either. Or perhaps it’s just me! I mean, we are merely humans and I believe it’s hard for our feeble minds to comprehend something that we don’t know or something that we aren’t.

Don’t be mistaken – I think we humans can be compassionate, gracious, merciful, truth seeking and patient – at times, just NOT all the time.
My emotions can be stirred toward compassion for certain things (a hungry or hurt child; an elderly person who is sick or lonely OR both; a wounded animal; a friend who is dealing with a loss), but I am not compassionate toward everyone and everything, all the time. And that is what struck me the most about this scripture that describes God’s character.
He is FULL of compassion.
I don’t know if I will ever really understand that kind of compassion. The kind that still loves me when I have failed Him or have gone astray. The kind of compassion that pulls me out of the mud and mire when I’ve made choices that have gotten me in a place I can’t get myself out of.
What I can do is remind myself, through His Word, of who He is when I am in the storm, trial or valley. Frankly, that is also how I can show encouragement. When friends come needing to talk through a situation or circumstance, I should always try to turn them back to The Word.
Heavenly Father, may we have eyes to see past the storm or obstacle to Your light. To You. Remind us who You are when we have taken our eyes off of You. Remind us that You work ALL things together for the good of those who love You and are called according to Your purpose, so let us rejoice over You in all circumstances!
In Jesus Name, Amen