Tantalizing Temptations
It was the title, huh? It drew you in. There is something about the combination of the words that send your mind spiraling into the oblivion of wonder. Wondering things like:
- What could this be about?
- Will she reveal a dark secret?
- What tempted her?
- That’s piqued my interest, I must know more!
If you are anything like me, you tend to associate words like that with mystery, intrigue, being risqué. And it grabs your attention just enough to dive headfirst in, hoping for an exciting tale of foolish decisions, indecent proposals, scandal, or forbidden desires.
Who doesn’t love a good true story of intrigue about someone else’s life, struggles, failures? But, what happens when it’s our story?
In the past, I’ve been quick to want to cover up or hide my temptations and any sins that have followed when I fell. I didn’t want my blemishes on display for others to judge.
Nonetheless, I have been tempted. In fact, we all have.
The Apostle Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 10:13, “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind…”. This scripture forewarns us that we will be tempted by things that are common for anyone to be tempted by.
While you are struggling with your temptation; someone else somewhere is also struggling with a similar temptation, with perhaps slightly different circumstances.
Good news: You’re not alone!
Bad news: The enemy is cunning and he studies us. When he determines what our weak areas are, he uses those against us. The way he will present our weakness (temptation) to us won’t come with warning labels, or with flashing yellow caution lights.

I recall when I was in the thick of my temptations, battling between flesh and spirit. The temptation tantalizing me day and night. Nagging at the edges of my mind, eventually consuming my thought life. It seemed that everywhere I went, everyone I talked to, everything I read, watched, listened to all lead me back to that unrelenting itch.
I loathed myself for allowing my thought life to be devoured by my sinful flesh. I yearned for a way out of the temptation. Of my battle. Of my mind!
The second part of 1 Corinthians 10:13 says, “And God is faithful, He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so you can endure it.” I like the KJV, that says that God “…will with the temptation also make a way of escape…”.
I clung to that part of the scripture. Every time I felt like I was drowning in the endless thoughts of my temptation, I would pray. Many commutes home from work, I found myself praying and pleading for my eyes to be opened to the way of escape.
God will always provide a way of escape. We must recognize it, accept it, and want it. Too often, we pray for escape from the temptation or sin, but for various reasons, don’t actually want to walk away from it. We’re praying with our lips, but our hearts are secretly hoping for the sinful outcome. Those darn hearts! Jeremiah tells us in 17:9 “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”.
That was a part of my battle. In my spirit, I wanted the escape to be a removal of the temptation or an overcoming of the desire. In my flesh, however, I wanted the escape to be losing myself over to the sin.
I’ll never forget the moment when I felt I couldn’t win the battle anymore, and I did the unthinkable. I begged God to just allow it. Allow me to follow through on the temptation and sin. I tried to justify, if I can just clear my head I will be able to think clearly and can deal better with the consequences.
Can you imagine begging the creator of the universe, the most Holy being in existence to allow you to sin?
I’m so thankful and happy to report that God loves me so much more than that. Instead of allowing me to sin, He helped me see the way of escape He had provided and provided the strength I needed to walk in the Spirit and overcome my flesh.
What I learned through that time of temptation, are some things I want to leave with you.
God is big enough, strong enough, and loves me (and you) enough to handle my (your) filthy rags/sin nature. He really can handle the truth. While it may seem sacrilegious to some, being able to speak so plainly to the Lord helped.
He WILL provide the way of escape.
Temptations appear to us something new, exciting, thrilling. As if they are just the thing we’ve been waiting for. IT’S AN ILLUSION and a lie of the enemy, don’t believe it.
Father God, I admit, I am tempted. Help me recognize those temptations for what they truly are – illusions of fulfillment. Don’t allow me to fulfill my temptations. Instead, help me fill myself up with more of You and less of me, so I am prepared to walk in the Spirit and overcome my flesh. Thank you for providing the way of escape. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Join me next time as I talk about what happens when someone falls to their temptations. Is there a such thing as having gone too far?